Sequoia Middle School
The Sequoia Middle School "Renaissance" is a program that stresses academic excellence. It encourages each student to excel academically through incentives supported by our school, PFC and local businesses.
To be eligible for Renaissance rewards students must meet academic and behavioral standards.
To become part of the Renaissance program, students must apply by the deadline indicated on the application.
Applications will be available in the office at the end of each report card period and due dates are strictly enforced.
To become part of the Renaissance program, students must apply by the deadline indicated on the application. Applications will be available in the office at the end of each report card period.
Renaissance Guidelines
3.00 to 4.00 GPA or .50 GPA improvement for the quarter and meet the following criteria:
Maintain satisfactory citizenship comment grades including:
- No “Effort Needs Improvement”
- No “Conduct Needs Improvement”
- No “Late/Missing/Incomplete Assignments Affecting Grade”
- No “Socializing Affecting Grade Performance”
- No “Disruptive Classroom Behavior”
- No “Tardiness Is Excessive/Affecting Grade”
- No “Not Dressing/Participating in PE”
- No "Truancies"
- No “F’s”
It is the student’s responsibility to make a copy of his/her current quarter report card and attach it to the Renaissance application. If all criteria are met, students will receive the appropriate award.
Gold 4.00 GPA
Silver 3.50 – 3.99 GPA
Blue 3.00 – 3.49
White .50 GPA improvement over previous quarter GPA
The Renaissance program will entitle students to rewards and coupons.