Incoming 6th Graders
Important Dates
October 10 - November 10: Intradistrict Transfer Window
December 13: Intradistrict Lottery via ZOOM 1:45-2:30
December 20: Intradistrict Transfer responses to be sent from Enrollment Center
January 10, 2025: Appeals due
January 21: Sequoia Elementary 5th grader visit (at Sequoia Middle)
January 23: Vice Principal visit to Monte Gardens Elementary
January 27: Incoming 6th grade parent informational zoom meeting - 7PM
Zoom Information:
Meeting ID: 817 7455 6154
January 31: Course requests DUE
March 14: Appeal Response Letters to be sent from Enrollment Center
April 30: Open House
Students coming from an MDUSD elementary school will be bringing their school-issued chromebooks with them to SMS.
Students new to MDUSD will be issued a district chromebook during the first few weeks of the school year. More information will follow.
Intradistrict Transfer information
Intradistrict transfers are for students who reside inside the MDUSD boundaries requesting to transfer to another MDUSD school.
Only one transfer application will be processed per student per academic year.
Welcome to Sequoia Middle School!
Proof of residence is required at the time of enrollment and when a family changes address. Verification by items from both categories below are required:
- Current picture ID of parent/guardian: driver’s license, state issued ID, passport, consulate issued picture ID, voter credential, or military ID.
- Two of the following (must be from 2 different categories ):
- Correspondence from a government agency
- Voter registration
- Pay stub
- Utility service contract, statement, or payment receipt
- Rental property contract, lease, or payment receipt
- Property tax payment receipt
All documents submitted must be originals not copies.
Bills and deeds are NOT valid residency verification documents.
Caregiver Affidavits: Students shall qualify as district residents if they reside full-time in the home of a caregiving adult within the district boundaries. This caregiving adult must provide residency verification as outlined above. “Full Time” for the purposes of this regulation is defined as: Student’s primary residence is that of the caregiving adult, and the student resides in the home of the caregiving adult 24 hours a day, seven days a week and during periods of vacation and/or holidays.
Caregiver Affidavits are available at the school site.
Joint Physical Custody: Students whose parents have joint physical custody may continue their enrollment in the district so long as at least one of their parents can meet the residency verification requirements as outlined above.
Parents and Guardians are required to read and sign the following statement:
“I attest that the information provided is true and accurate. I understand that if the student is not living full-time within the school boundary or if the student’s arrangements do not agree with the information provided, the student will not be allowed to attend the school. I also understand that any changes in residency information must be reported to the school registrar immediately and verified within ten (10) days. I also understand that falsification of information will be grounds for invalidating the student’s enrollment in school.”
Enrollment Center
(925) 682-8000 X6250
Elective Request Forms
Please choose the school your student currently attends to fill out the Elective Request Form
Monte Gardens
Sequoia Elementary
OTHER MDUSD & Private Schools
NEW TO the District?
2024-2025 Academic Calendar (PDF)
Sign-up for a ParentSquare Account!
Make sure to sign-up for a Parent Square account! This is one of the main platforms our school uses to communicate with families.
You MUST use the same email/phone number to signup as you have provided your school. Contact our Secretary, Desiree Bulda, if you are having problems with your account.