English Department
The English Department focuses on improving students' abilities to read and write. We also make every effort to instill a love of the language in our students.
Common Core English Standards
Click on the link to access the California Common Core Standards for English Language Arts: CCSS
Department Co-Chairs
Kelly Starick StarickK@mdusd.org
Sixth Grade
Heather Still stillh@mdusd.org
Marc Lomax lomaxm@mdusd.org
Kelly Starick starickk@mdusd.org
Denise Reinsch reinschd@mdusd.org
Jane Baulch-Enloe baulchenloej@mdusd.org
Seventh Grade
Susan Sutherland sutherlands@mdusd.org
Brett Haupt HauptB@mdusd.org
Nicola (Lastuvka) Harvey lastuvkan@mdusd.org
Matt Hopkins hopkinsr@mdusd.org
Eighth Grade
Rebecca Machado machador@mdusd.org
Ernie Minglana minglanae@mdusd.org
Meranda Broder broderm@mdusd.org